Add Elastic Site Search to your website in minutes

  • 14-day free trial. No credit card required
  • Easy Implementation and User-Friendly
  • Real-Time Analytics and Insights

Advanced website search features, right out-of-the-box

Flexible Web Crawler
Ingest and sync content easily with the click of a button
Platform Agnostic
Index and consume from any language or platform, thanks to a simple and portable JSON interface
Unrivaled Relevance
Harness the power of Elasticsearch for your search use case
Intuitively Customizable
Synonyms, weights, boosts, and result pinning allow you to easily tweak result sets
Seamlessly Scalable
No matter your size or growth, your engines scale with you
Analytics & Insights
Leverage invaluable insight into user behavior to curate a better search experience

It's the Easiest Way to Create a Great Search Experience

Enter your website's address and Elastic Site Search will index your site and create your search engine in real time. No coding is required, but developers can use our API for extra control.

Enter your domain and an engine
Let the crawler extract content

Customize your search

Machine Learning

Automatically detect anomalies in your data with unsupervised machine learning in real time.

Integrated Security

TLS encryption, encryption at rest, role-based access control (RBAC), and field- and document-level security. It's all there.


(Free) Create live pixel‑perfect infographic‑style presentations of your Elasticsearch data.

Infrastructure & Logs UIs

(Free) Curated experiences for tailing log files and monitoring infra like containers, pods, and services.

Hot-Warm & Index Curation

(Free) Define how long indices are kept on hot data nodes before automatically moving to warm nodes.

Data Rollups

(Free) Save on space (and costs) by summarizing data into coarser time buckets as it ages for metrics use cases.

Elasticsearch SQL

(Free) Feel more comfortable with SQL? No problem. Use the syntax you're familiar with to query Elasticsearch.

Kibana Spaces

(Free) Organize Kibana dashboards and visualizations into separate spaces, and secure access using RBAC.


Get alerts and notifications about changes in your Elasticsearch data.

Powerful Website Search. Built on Elasticsearch

The Elastic Site Search Service (powered by Swiftype) provides all the tools you need to build a powerful search experience for your website, without the learning curve. The flexible, maintenance-free crawler ensures that your content is always up-to-date, while its intuitive customization features and robust analytics give you full control over your engine’s relevance.

Happy Elastic Site Search Customers

Get started for free today

Try it out. 14 days. No credit card required.